
Tekstieditorin käyttäminen

Ghost tukee rikasta tekstin syöttöä. Tekstin muotoilu onnistuu käyttämällä joko kontekstisidonnaista valikkoa tai sitten Markdown-kieltä.

Lorem ipsum


When creating a header, all you need to do is add a # before your header or use the contextual toolbar. You can keep adding up to six # in a row to make the headers smaller.

Otsikko 1

Otsikko 2

Otsikko 3

Otsikko 4

Otsikko 5
Otsikko 6


If you paste in a URL, like https://ghost.org - it'll automatically be linked up. But if you want to customise your anchor text, you can do that too! Here's a link to the Ghost website.


If you want to add a quote, you just need to add a > to the beginning of the line or use the contextual toolbar, and it will put it into the quote format.

Ghost is a fully open source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication. We power blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News.


TGEU - working for the rights and wellbeing of trans people
TGEU is a membership-based organisation working to strengthen the rights and wellbeing of trans people in Europe and Central Asia.


Highlighting text on a web page can help bring important information immediately to the reader's attention. When creating a highlighting text, all you need to do is add a == before and after your text in Markdown card.


Hienoa! Tilauksesi onnistui.
Hienoa! Viimeistele saadaksesi täyden pääsyn.
Tervetuloa takaisin! Olet kirjautunut sisälle.
Valmista! Tilisi on nyt aktivoitu ja sinulla on kaikki sisältö saatavilla.